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How Virtual Machine Audits Help Meet New Demands

Apr 13, 2020

Business is anything but normal as companies adjust to new guidelines and practices due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Many non-essential businesses are waiting with anticipation to re-open their doors. Essential businesses are finding ways to keep their workforce connected as employees work remotely. For many manufacturers, an increase in demand for their products is causing them to launch projects that will bring more capacity on line.  In many cases, that means bringing older machines back to life.

“We have customers who are starting up machines that have not run for maybe a year or two,” says Jim Ferron, PCMC Audit Leader. “The machines are running, but many are not reaching full production capabilities.”

PCMC designed its machine audit program as a side-by-side experience, with a PCMC-trained service technician present at the customer’s facility.  Working together, the audit includes a thorough inspection of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems in both dynamic and static states.  However, many companies are prohibiting non-employees inside their facilities due to the Coronavirus – eliminating the possibility of an in-person machine audit.

New technology is now allowing PCMC to lead machine improvements without ever stepping foot in a customer’s facility. Through a tablet and mobile app, PCMC’s Accelerate Live acts as the eyes and ears for a virtual machine audit. The live audio/video connection allows PCMC technicians and aftermarket experts to conduct a similar current state inspection of the machine.

“Accelerate Live cannot fully replicate the in-person machine audit experience,” says Ferron. “But the technology provides an incredibly valuable option right now. A virtual audit allows us to see exactly what the customer sees. We can ask someone onsite to turn over specific parts and ask them questions about what they are seeing, feeling and hearing.”

Through the virtual audit, technicians work to identify missing, worn or broken parts. They also see the machine running in real time and offer recommended adjustments and troubleshooting. After the virtual audit is complete, the customer receives a formal report, which highlights problem areas and ranks them by severity. The audit team can also recommend important aftermarket upgrades.

“If we had to do machine audits solely through a phone conversation, we really couldn’t recommend specific parts and improvements, we could just quote customer requests,” says Ferron. “Virtual audits give us a much closer connection to the customer and helps us quickly develop a plan for bringing the machine back to its original as-shipped condition.”

Contact Jim Ferron: 920.536.0809 or

For more information about PCMC's audit program

For more information about Accelerate Live