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New Pouch Machine Thrives at Associated Labels and Packaging

Jan 26, 2021

Associated Labels and Packaging, a Canadian flexible packaging and printing company, recently purchased an Ares 400-SUP  to meet growing demand for smaller runs. Associated Labels’ customers require a range of flexible pouches for convenience stores, retail outlets, grocery stores and box stores throughout North America.

“The 400 series pouch machine provides a smaller footprint and, most importantly, doesn’t use as much film with set up,” says Kyle Vleeming, flexible division manager at Associated Labels and Packaging.

“Hudson-Sharp has been leading the way on polybag machines for years and has been leading the way on recyclable polyethylene (PE) pouches,” says Vleeming. “And that was part of the reason for Associated Labels going in this direction.”

Read the full case study from Flexible Packaging magazine here.